Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love and Tolerance of an inkjet

Love and Tolerance of others is our code, so the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (page 84) tells us. I reflect on this code and this thought when I am challenged by someones actions or ideas. I use this thought with a prayer to help me accept others views, beliefs and ideals. This simple code, opens my heart and my mind.

When I practice yoga, lots of emotions flow through my mind and my body. Yoga is a safe place for me to reflect and work through any emotional baggage I am carrying that day. I have noticed that other yogi's both sober and not, are able to embrace love and tolerance in their life with a strong yoga practice. Yoga and AA help me create the perfect environment to keep love and tolerance of others in the forefront of my mind.

Today, I was challenged by an inanimate object; a fax machine to be specific. It is/was an old HP Inkjet. I tried sending a fax and every time it would pretend to work, then fail. I tried about a dozen times. I had to accept the fact that this machine has seen better days. I removed the machine and literally threw it into a box. I wanted to make an example of it for all of the other old inkjet fax machines that might have been watching. I decided to just let it go. I won't let it rattle my day. I just ordered a new one.


  1. Poor HP - why didn't you ask me to help?

  2. I love this. Why is it that inanimate objects so often become our outlet for frustration? I think maybe because we don't have to make amends. Thanks for the blog!

    :) Sadie
